Flipped Learning

At Parramatta Marist senior students (Years 11 and 12) undertake the 'Flipped Classroom' approach to learning.

Having grown and matured through the initial years of adolescence, students in their senior years become self-sufficient learners but work closely alongside educators who guide and support them in their learning. Parramatta Marist provides an engaging personalised learning program that seeks genuine dialogue to challenge students to raise their own questions, create their own ideas, seek solutions to real world challenges and explore their interests and passions.

As students enter year 12 at Parramatta Marist, they will participate in a Flipped Classroom approach in all subjects across all Key Learning Areas (KLAs).

The Flipped Classroom affords students the opportunity to engage with the content, activate prior knowledge and attempt to understand it prior to the next lesson. What the students do not understand is communicated to the teacher and this forms the basis of the next lesson.

Class time is therefore used primarily for application and not simply content delivery - this is how the traditional has been 'flipped'.

Learn more about the benefits of the Flipped Classroom.