Committed to academic excellence

Parramatta Marist has an enviable academic reputation. Every year, our students are named amongst the top candidates in the New South Wales Higher School Certificate examination.

Students from our school consistently achieve excellence in many subjects. We are one of the best performing boys schools in the State and our NAPLAN results are well above state averages.

Student using his laptop in class at Parramatta Marist High School Westmead

Inspired learning starts with highly motivated and professional teachers

Like you, we know that great teachers make a real difference in your son's life. Our teachers are lifelong learners too and regularly undertake professional development to keep up to date with current best practice in education. Our expert teachers will track how students are progressing, and respond with extra support when needed.

Learn more about our dedicated teachers

Teacher and student together at a desk at Parramatta Marist High School Westmead

Our learning journey

The Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese Learning Journey honours the developmental stages in a student’s life. Based on leading educational research and the best of today’s technologies, we prepare students for the workplaces of the future by teaching them how to think critically and creatively, how to communicate effectively and how to work collaboratively.


Our learning journey

Students learning carpentry with their teacher and classmates at Parramatta Marist High School Westmead

Learning spaces

The learning spaces at Parramatta Marist are designed to enhance the learning opportunities of our students. From the latest technology to flexible seating options and adaptable class sizes, students will learn how to work both independently and as part of a small or large group depending on the task at hand.

Project based learning courses are taught in double-sized classrooms with 2 teachers from different subject specialty areas.

Students also have access to ‘anywhere, anytime’ learning that is supported by a high-speed wireless network, 1:1 student to Mac laptop ratios and a learning support system maintained by the teaching staff.

See our facilities and resources

Br Ludovic Learning Centre

Our library, known as the Br Ludovic Learning Centre, is a places of exploration and inquiry. Through access to our library resources and services, students develop a range of learning capabilities that thrive on curiosity, creativity, imagination and innovation.

Learn more

Br Ludovic Learning Centre

Students studying in the Br Ludovic learning centre at Parramatta Marist High School Westmead

Learning looks markedly different at Parramatta Marist!

Project based learning

At Parramatta Marist, Project Based Learning is an example of the innovative teaching practices we employ to engage students in their learning. It exercises and develops important '21st century skills', such as communication, collaboration and creative thinking.

Project Based Learning (PBL) differs from conventional school project work, where learning is teacher-centred and teacher-directed. In PBL, teachers are the facilitators of learning, not the fount of knowledge. PBL encourages students to think deeply and to stretch their thinking so that they have the opportunity to reach their potential.

Starting from Year 7, students learn syllabus content and skills across all the key learning areas (KLAs) but in a way that challenges them to work in teams, meet deadlines, present and justify their viewpoint (in written and verbal format) and to think creatively.

The 'flipped' classroom

Senior students (Years 11 and 12) undertake the 'flipped classroom' approach to learning. They work closely alongside educators who challenge students to raise their own questions, create their own ideas, seek solutions to real world challenges and explore their interests and passions.

The flipped classroom affords students the opportunity to engage with the content, activate prior knowledge and attempt to understand it prior to the next lesson. What the students do not understand is communicated to the teacher and this forms the basis of the next lesson. Class time is therefore used primarily for application and not simply content delivery - this is how the traditional has been 'flipped'.

Vocational learning

Many students at our School seek to enrich their study with subjects from the local TAFE (Technical and Further Education) colleges.

In addition to traditional HSC subjects, senior students may also choose to undertake industry recognised VET courses such as Construction and Hospitality. These courses provide practical training and experience required when seeking employment in that field.

Multi Tiered Systems of Support

Teachers at Parramatta Marist utilise a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to engage students requiring additional help with literacy and numeracy skills. The MTSS framework provides coordinated and evidence-based intervention that is tailored to meet each student's needs. Both proactive and preventative, MTTS maximises student achievement with strategic and high-quality intervention.

Learn more

Accelerated and flexible learning

Accelerated study for talented students is offered in Mathematics and Studies of Religion, enabling them to complete these subjects for their HSC in Year 11.

Support is also given to those senior students who wish to take a flexible path in their studies, allowing them to spread their workload over more than 2 years.

Accelerated and flexible learning

Students using their laptops in the classroom at Parramatta Marist High School Westmead
Curriculum Connected Portal

Important information regarding assessment dates and policies.

Careers Portal

All the latest information about future careers and life beyond graduation.

Learning Technology

Find out our learning device requirements and preferred suppliers.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education

Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) recognises and respects the heritage, spirituality, cultures and deep connection to Country of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

An understanding of Aboriginal spirituality is incorporated into Religious Education programs, prayer and liturgy. A number of our schools have dedicated yarning spaces, cultural groups and inclusive Aboriginal Cultural Programs. Working closely with Catholic Schools NSW and all CSPD staff, our Jarara Cultural Centre is an integral part of how we share culture, build capacity and provide pastoral care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families.

Learn more about Jarara Cultural Centre

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education

Indigenous Education at Parramatta Marist Westmead

Endless possibilities with learning partners

Our learning approach makes a welcome space for parents, carers and other valued partners to engage with our learners in a deeply personalised, anywhere, anytime approach to learning.

As part of a system of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Parramatta Diocese, we also benefit from formal agreements with many institutions that form a wide network of strategic relationships and collaborations to advance research, teaching and innovation in Catholic schools across Greater Western Sydney.

Our breadth of industry partnerships provide opportunities for students to explore future careers while gaining insights from top business leaders. In recent years, our students have benefitted from the following collaborations:

  • Cyber security Hackazon with Deloitte’s Cyber Academy
  • Industrial design and welding skills with Precision Metal and Lincoln Electric
  • Soil resistivity surveying with Gamuda Australia and Laing O'Rourke

Endless possibilities with learning partners

Parramatta Marist students learning about the Design Industry

The School of Now

This unique learning experience provides Year 11 and 12 students with access to a greater range of extension courses and specialised electives that may not be offered at their home schools, helping them to achieve their personal career and study goals.

Find out more

The School of Now

School of Now subject options for Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese

We help students be the best learners they can be

Contact Parramatta Marist today to learn more.

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Explore our facilities

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